Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some More Fun

Sometimes I like to do these fun quizes just to see:

Your rainbow is shaded white.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And The Rest Of The Story Is????

We left town last week to pick our daughter up. She was hurting Jonathan and has been in a therapeutic foster home in Arizona for almost 4 months. We finally have a foster home that should be appropriate for her in our state and she can be under state care which will help us financially. Our son doesn't know she is back in the state. When I told him we were trying to get her back into the state he started acting up and verbally let me know he was scared too. So, we are choosing not to tell him yet, that she is here.

When we picked Jonathan up on Monday, we were told that he had wet his pants at school. I thought this a bit strange since he hasn't done this since first grade and even that was not a true accident. He chose to wait too long, as we found out in the questioning. So, here he is in third grade, Mom & Dad are gone and he suddenly has this problem?

The dad in the family where he was staying, is a teacher at his school. He ran home to get fresh clothes for Jonathan. Apparently he even needed a new shirt. I heard from the mom that the dad had taken a pajama shirt for Jonathan. She said this was why he never picked out the clothes for their kids - lol. I gather that Jonathan commented when he got home from school about the fact that he had to wear a pajama shirt.

Well - tonight, Jonathan wasn't doing too well at Awana. He has acted up quite a bit today. So knowing his tricks and being a RAD mom, I applied the RAD mom statements. He was all ready for bed and had just taken his pill to help him sleep. He had difficulty taking it, a new problem since being away while we were gone. I confronted him on this. He admitted it after lying a few times and was quite mad. I knew that I needed to predict his next behavior. This is what we have been told to do. I told him that he would wake us up tonight because he needed to go to the bathroom. I said this is no problem, we'll just get another chore from him. He exclaimed, "all right! I'll go to the bathroom!" LOL So, I asked him if I had been right that he hadn't really gone all the way. He said, "yes."

So, now the fun begins. After he got off the toilet, he told us that he fell in the toilet at school. I questioned him on the validity of this. I wondered how his pants got wet if he was going to the bathroom. I would have thought it would have been his behind. I asked him how he got dried off. He told me that his pants were wet. I asked him what he was doing sitting on the toilet with his pants pulled up. He told me he thought the lid was down but the lid was up. Hmmm. He also told us that he got stuck in the toilet. I asked him how he got out. Someone helped him. I asked him who. He said the secretary. Now, this is getting very suspicious. At this point, we decided he just needed to go to bed. As he went to his room he punched a box on books in the hall. My husband told him he could come back out and punch them some more. He did. Obviously, he was angry. As he went into his room, "I told him to go ahead and pee in his room or wake us up tonight. Either way he will get to do some cleaning. Not a problem." I really am curious at this point about what the true story is. We told him he can talk to his attachment therapist about it - that's the reason for punching the boxes. LOL - gotta love the boy. It's hard to live a life of lies.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh Crap

The day began with Jonathan's usual attempts to control. But, nothing out of the ordinary. Dad happened to be home, which added to Jonathan's confusion a bit. Daddy had a headache and had decided to sleep a little more. Jonathan thought he should get away with a bit more. Much to his dismay, Mom was showing Dad how she handles mornings.

Mom takes Jonathan to school and has a few more minutes with Dad before she goes to the local coffee shop to meet up with some ladies from the church. WOW!! The first outing of this sort in at least a year!! We spent 2 hours visiting! Wonderful!!

Jonathan is picked up from school and taken to Walmart with Mom to buy a few needed items. We seem to think that Mom needs us to point out what she needs to buy. Mom doesn't need this help. By this time Mom was tired and almost done and just asked him if she needed his help. He was pointing to the ravioli so she got the spaghettios. On to the check-out line. Gotta give the kid credit, he did ask if he could help put things on the conveyor belt. I said, "no," at this point, I just wanted his hands to stay on the cart.

We get to the car and home and unload and put the cold things away. I told him where to put the other things. I pulled leftovers out of the fridge for lunch. Oh no!!! A storm is brewing - big time!!! I ask the brewer what is wrong. He wants spaghettios. I let him know I had other plans, we have leftovers that we need to use up. The storm continues to brew as I am preparing plates to heat in the microwave. I "LOVINGLY" pulled lots of sauces out of the fridge to put onto the fondue leftovers from my trip to a restaurant with a friend of mine. I put the plates on the counter and put a nice display of sauces on each one. His attitude improved a bit with this. I made sure to make a big deal of it.

We ate and he liked everything and asked for more. I told him that all that was left was chicken. The one he was throwing such a fit about at the begining. He asked if he could have the sauces. I said he could. I heated up the last of the chicken. I ate a bit of it and gave him a bunch. HMMM - he liked it this time.

So - on to homeschooling. He already knew there was going to be something fun at the end. I made sure that information was out so he would want to get there. We plugged along pretty well for a bit until he had to stand up and learn how to act if he were in a spelling bee. Now I had already been hit, scratched, kicked under the table, shouted at and ignored. He had done things any old way he pleased. So to do a spelling bee, you must speak clearly - mumble, mumble, mumble. Well, two attempts at that and I sent him on down to his room.

While he was down there, I decided it was too late to do anymore school. He had woken me up at 5 am to go to the bathroom and owed me chores. After all, I am just to tired to do my work on so little sleep. The motion detector outside his door alarms in our bedroom with a really long and loud buzz.

I started dinner and gave him a broom to sweep the dining room. He kept saying it smelled like poop in there. I ignored him and kept cooking. I checked his work a few times and noted unswept areas. After awhile I went around the whole room, I commented at the far end, "it does smell like poop in here" and went back to the kitchen to check on the food. The dining room finally looked good and he moved on to the school area floor. I went over there to check it after awhile and he farted while I was over there. I said, "that must have been the problem in the dining room." Then I went back to the kitchen. This poor boy was probably either madder than all get out by this time or thought he had the stupidest mom.

Hubby came home and we got dinner finished up while Jonathan swept the kitchen floor. We ate dinner and told him to take a shower. I had had a busy day and wanted to relax for a bit. I sat in my recliner with my laptop and got onto ATN. Hubby worked on cleaning dinner up. Jonathan headed to the bathroom. He was asking for shampoo. His last bottle had an amber colored liquid in it. I made him dump it and throw the bottle out. My hubby had already been filling it with water, a tad of soap and a tad of food coloring since the whole thing gets dumped out each shampooing anyway.

Randy went down to give Jonathan his shampoo. He came out and whispered to me that Jonathan had pooped into the register. Now, I think this is hilarious!! He was furious with me all afternoon because things weren't going his way. He was trying to indimidate me all afternoon and it didn't work. I heard, "you'd better ----" type statements, puffing his body up, shouting at me. I was strong enough for all of it. He couldn't get me to back down and he couldn't get me mad. So, one last try - poop in the register. BUT - Mom had NO clue he did it, DAD found out!!!!

So, Dad got a bucket of water with simple green in it and rags. He took it to the bathroom and left it in there. Then he came out and told me that he thinks he is going to assume the poop is in the toilet first. So, he'll have to clean the toilet, tub and sink. By this time, Jonathan has been in the shower a long time. Randy turns the hot water off. Jonathan comes back out, "we're OUT of water AGAIN!!" Sympathetic parents say - "wow, Jonathan, you sure are having a hard time with that!" He turns around to go back to the bathroom and we see beat red buns.

Randy follows him and tells him there must me poop in the toilet that needs to be cleaned up. He hands him the tools to clean with. I am relating this to a friend on yahoo messenger as I hear Jonathan stomping and storming. He is shouting about where the poop really is. Randy says, "oh Jonathan, you gave that up a long time ago. You wouldn't do that anymore." Jonathan says, "yes I do, I still do that." Then I call out, "you mean, we can't uncover the vent in your room? We were about to do that because we thought you were done pooping and peeing in it. Wow! Don't know what we are going to do know?" Jonathan is doing a word dance in the bathroom. Got the kid thinking!

So, first job - clean the toilet. Still smells like poop. Dad - I told you why - I pooped in the register. Next - clean the tub. Now - clean the sink. The whole time, Jonathan is fuming about not having water to clean the bathroom. Remember, he ran it out of water. What really happens is that when the hot was turned off it makes the cold go to a drizzle in the tub. But the sink and toilet are fine. So, Jonathan did have water, it was just scarce in the tub.

So, Jonathan comes out and says the bathroom doesn't stink anymore. Randy said, It sure doesn't smell like a bed of roses." This sent both of us over the edge. Jonathan hates to be laughed at but when he heard us laughing on this one he actually started smiling and kinda chuckling. I was in tears and Randy was complaining about his stomach hurting. Then we hear noises going on in the bathroom. Pretty quick Jonathan comes out with a bucket and takes it to Randy. He says, "see, there was poop in there." Poor Daddy, he just says, "Jonathan, I don't want to see your poop. Where does it belong?" To which, Jonathan replies, "the toilet" and off he goes to dump it.

My lands this kid is funny. He has been running around naked this whole time, with comet streaks on him. Back and forth, fighting the process.Complaining about being tired. Daddy goes down to check on the job and informs him that the register still hasn't been cleaned well enough. More shouting at Daddy.

When the clean-up is complete, Jonathan needs to rinse the comet and whatever else is on his body off. He was convinced we were still out of water. Daddy informed him that it should have had time to build back up by them. So he got in the tub and was able to rinse off and get clean PJ's on to settle down for bed.

I had planned to put Jonathan to bed early tonight. He looks and acts tired. But, you know crap can't wait. And, it wasn't mine and my husband wasn't home all day and I really don't believe we have ghosts in the house. SO, that left one little boy. He doesn't have his sister to blame anymore - but he has tried a few times. So, Jonathan finally got to bed and I went to take a bath in a nice, clean bathroom - AAAHHHHHH.

You know something - no wonder Jonathan is tired. I'd be tired too, if I spent as much energy as he does trying to take this much control and having to deal with the consequences that come from that. What an exhausting way to live!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Socks Say About Me

[b]What Your Socks Say About You[/b]


You Are:

- Quite cuddly
- Downright adorable
- Truly kind
- Infinitely patient

[url=]The Socks Personality Test[/url]

Funny - Probably Because I'm Not A Shopper

[b]Your Surfing Habits are 40% Male, 60% Female[/b]


There's no way we can tell whether you're a man or woman.
Of all the internet users, you are the most broad based in your habits.
You use the internet for research and your career.
But you also use the internet to keep in close touch with your loved ones.

[url=]Do You Use the Internet Like a Man or a Woman?[/url]

Friday, October 3, 2008

Details On Personality Test


follows the rules, polite, fears drawing attention to self, dislikes competition, somewhat easily frightened, easily offended, timid, dutiful, private, lower energy, finisher, organized, socially uncomfortable, modest, not confrontational, easily hurt, observer, prone to crying, not spontaneous, does not appreciate strangeness - intolerant to differences, apprehensive, clean, planner, prone to confusion, afraid of many things, responsible, guarded, avoidant, anxious, cautious, suspicious, more interested in relationships and family than intellectual pursuits, not adventurous, fears doing the wrong thing, dislikes change

favored careers:

homemaker, stay at home parent, office worker, health care worker, personal assistant, school teacher, administrative assistant, child care worker, clerical employee, receptionist, library assistant, dietician, health educator, librarian

disfavored careers:

rock star, philosophy professor, filmmaker, performer, writer, bar owner, comedian, dj, entertainer, ceo, psychotherapist, bartender, entrepreneur, lecturer, astronomer

Personality Test

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sassing Your Parents

My husband took Jonathan to Awana tonight. During council time the commander gave a message with a multitool as a prop. He held it up and said that this tool could do many things. Some good, some bad. He said that the tongue can also do many things. Some good, some bad. He asked them if they had ever cut themselves. He gave some examples of using knives the wrong way. He asked them to raise their hands if they had ever sassed their parents. Jonathan raised his hand. Great - being honest. My husband raised his hand too. After all, he sassed his parents when he was a kid. There was an older woman sitting a couple of seats over. They were one row behind Jonathan. Jonathan turned around and saw his Daddy's hand in the air and gasped in shock and said, "Daddy!" This woman near my husband was amused and tapped my husband on the shoulder. Of course, his parents were never kids!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

LOL - I Guess So

You Are the Mother

You have an abundance of love for humanity. You care about all the people of the world.

You love helping others more than anything else. You love to be needed.

At your best, you unconditionally love people. You are very nurturing.

You are a wise and gentle teacher. You are happy to guide anyone who needs your advice or explanations.

At your worst, you are controlling and overbearing.

You smother people with affection and gifts. And with this attention you give, you are expecting something in return.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Funny - Can't Imagine This For Me

You Should Live in Mississippi

If you don't want to live in Mississippi, you might also consider:






Monday, September 15, 2008


Your Learning Style: Competent and Cooperative

You have a great head for facts and figures. You can remember and use any fact you've read.

You Should Study:



Environmental Science



Nutrition Science



Saturday, September 6, 2008

3 Cops

This morning while I was sleeping in, my husband got Jonathan started his cleaning up from Sunday. He mostly needed to finish picking up. When I got up, my husband mentioned that Jonathan started to rage, but after giving is a lot of consideration, he decided not to rage. Then, soon after I got up, Jonathan started raging. I'm not even sure what got it going. I was just kind of working on my own things. Hubby suggested we retreat to the bedroom again. We did and checked on him frequently again.

Shaving cream on my chair this time, TV on again, hubby tried opening the breaker, but Jonathan figured the breakers out and had the TV back on again. My hubby went out and disconnected the cable. He hasn't figured that one out yet. I went out and told my son that I heard he put the shaving cream on my chair. I just wanted him to know that even if he was treating himself like garbage, I didn't think he was. His therapist talked to him on Thursday about him treating and viewing himself like this. We are watching "24" again. We decided that in one more episode we will go out and baby him.

BUT, my dear husband just got a surprise when he went out to check on our sweet son. There were 2 cops in the living room and a third one arriving. Jonathan had dialed 911. He told them he saw someone driving by and he was scared. With the cops appearing on alert, but not too sure how to take the situation, my husband explained that he was raging and we retreated to the bedroom. They asked if we usually do this. He told them we started trying this last weekend. They noticed Jon's pants were wet. He admitted that he sat in my wet chair - lol. My husband asked if they had received the memo about RAD and they all nodded. He explained that Jonathan had been throwing things at us and this was a lot better than it had been last week when he raged, and that he is making progress. He told them what the kitchen floor looked like last week and that that is what the smell in the house is from. Somewhere between pinesol and mentholatum. They all nodded in recognition of the odor. As they were leaving, one of them noticed some white foamy stuff on the porch, Jonathan admitted to spraying something out there. My husband thought it was my shaving cream. My husband had Jon start to clean it up and said it dries like latex paint. We just found out, as Jon showed us the empitied bottles in the garbage, that it was white shoe polish. My husband said, "man, Jonathan, I'm glad you told me that! I was getting concerned about was mommy was putting on her legs." They thought my husband worked nights. He told them he works days and where he works. He told them, "that my wife is a stay at home mom and gets the brunt of it." With recognition on their faces, they all nodded to this. They looked a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation and unsure how to assess it. He said the older officer looked a little more comfortable with it. This officer told Jonathan that he didn't want to discourage him from calling 911, but it's only for emergencies. They asked for our cell phone numbers. I am sure they are all talking about the crazy parents at this house.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ups and Downs of Being RAD

Some interesting things came out tonight. We went to attachment therapy. We discussed Jonathan's rages. We discussed the 7 hour one. We talked about all the fish oil pills. I had forgotten that everytime my husband saw Jonathan he was munching on one of those pills or putting another one in his mouth. Well, at therapy tonight I found out the consequences of this. Jonathan got one of those old time fall cleaning outs. Guess he made a few trips to the old outhouse. By the way, I decorated the main bathroom with outhouse decor.

We got home and I wrote Jonathan's reading time on his reading log for school. I had already seen that he had written one in this morning and signed my initials. I had already talked to him about it. I pointed it out to my husband. He was questioning the date that Jonathan wrote down. 10/3 - didn't make sense for yesterday. It was the third. Then he noticed that the first entry was in August (8), next was in September (9) and so of course the third entry had to be in October (10). We about died laughing. My husband very dearly defended the sweet boy - he said, "it makes sense."

In therapy tonight, I helped Jonathan remember what he said to me this last week. He didn't want love because it makes him feel sad. He feels sad about love because he thinks about his birthmom and that she didn't love him. The AT talked with him. After a bit, I told him that the caseworker had told me that his birthmom had said that she just wanted him to be loved. Jonathan said a serious, "WHOA" and got quiet and serious. He had a totally contemplative look on his face. The AT then talked with him about how would the birthmom feel if she knew that he wasn't weeking to let his parents love him. Big things for an 8 year old to thing about.

Monday, July 28, 2008


What were you doing ten years ago?
I did daycare for a neat family. I really enjoyed their kids. Our family went camping in the summers and hiked.

Favorite Snacks
It depends on my mood. Sometimes something salty like nuts or chips. Sometimes I just want sugar like sugar cookies or peppermint ice cream. Or other times it has to be chocolate like mint chocolate cookies or a blizzard with lots of chocolate.

To Do List
Pick up the clutter around the house, organize the school stuff to homeschool Jonathan part-time, get a routine going, finish our bedroom.

Jobs I Have Had
Hamburger Joint Person, Nurse's Aide, Nurse, Daycare Provider, Mom to normal kids and difficult kids

Places I Have Lived
Oregon, Washington

5 Things People May Not Know About Me
I would still be happy if I had a baby.
I have always wanted twins.
I was the oldest of 3 girls, my mom one of only girls and her mom was one of only girls.
I have gone from only having neutral colors on the walls to bolder colors - our bedroom now has one black wall, two red walls and a tan wall. Looks better than it sounds. lol
I am a junk hoarder. I still have toys and clothes from my older kids that I had planned to use for future kids but they are too hard to find.

CD's I'd Want If I Were Stranded On A Desert Island
Michael W Smith
Casting Crowns
Michael Card
Matt Redman
Chris Tomlin
Mercy Me

What I'd Do If I Were A Billionaire
Pay for Becca to be in the best place for her healing.
Tear down our house (it has a poor foundation) and rebuild a new and similar house in about the same location with a basement and a second story but the main living areas of the second story would be cathedral ceilings instead. The second story over the bedrooms would have a portion that is a loft. The second story over our bedroom would have a library with comfy chairs for reading.
Buy a trailer so we can go camping again - I can't handle tents anymore.
Contribute to the church for our new building. Buy more land for the church. I think they need 15-20 acres.
Travel some more - Guatemala again, Hawaii again, Europe, tour the whole USA.
Get my husband retired so we can just enjoy life together.
Hire someone to take care of the yard.
Contribute to whatever ministries my kids end up in.
Invest in something so we can do more.
Take in foster babies and transfer them over to adoptive families properly so that they can be attached and not go through what our kids have gone through - in between our travels. This would have to be committed times. Part of our retirement years. A reason for early retirement, while we still have SOME energy.

Sweeping the Hard Way

Jonathan was given the task of sweeping a portion of the driveway. I told him he could take the push broom from the back patio. He came in after awhile to ask how he could get the sides near the grass. I told him he could use the part of the broom that was left that he had broken.

He just came in and said, "I have to tell you the truth. I threw the broom up in the tree and I can't get it down." My response? A chuckle and "That might be a complication." He says, "so I have to climb the tree to get it down?" I told him he would figure it out.

I turn my chair to look outside to watch him solve his problem. He was trying to use the push broom to knock it down. He got a chair and tried to climb the pine tree, then he tried another pine tree. He came in for a brief moment and informed me, "no sign of it."

No big deal - Daddy had already told him he had to pay for the broom since he broke it. lol

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Which Positive Quality Are You?
Your Result: Love

You are Love. Love is the glue that binds us all together. The love of family, the love of friends, the love between husbands and their wives--these things form the foundation of our happiness, our security, and our comfort. "All you need is love."

Which Positive Quality Are You?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

How To Mix Gatorade

Start with a family sitting in Subway eating lunch on a Sunday after church at Walmart by the windows overlooking one of the entrances to Walmart. The mom starts noticing unusual behavior and points it out to the dad who then takes notice too. After awhile, another couple sits down and the first mom notices that the second couple is also talking about the mixing of the Gatorade. They were quite NOT impressed with what little they were observing and they came in after the ice - lol.

Take two oafs at Walmart

Carry a big picnic drink container to the "Associates Only" closet

Set it on the floor and measure scoops of Gatorade mix into it

One oaf brings a big plastic spoon over and hands it to the other

The second oaf puts it on the floor

Add water

Pick spoon up off floor and mix the mixture up

Carry container to shopping cart

Fill water bottle with mixture

Add ice and stir it in

Get a new can of Gatorade powder

Go to closet and get scoop

Get tired to scooping and start dumping

Stir it up with spoon some more

Scoop mixture out with a cup and taste it

Dump it back into container

Screw lid on for final time and leave the mixture in the shopping cart

We wondered who all would be drinking this formula

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


A friend and her husband were working on some crafts. She was stringing, tagging and bagging crosses and he was working on a craft with walnuts and polyeurithane. We were on MSN chatting with each other. She told me that he was "out dipping his nuts." This set me into hysterical laughter and I let her know. That set her off. Our husbands were both wondering what was wrong with us. We talked about other things as we were both still laughing. My husband called her and asked her what she had done to me. We were both complaining about the pain we were in from the laughter. Then her husband said the wind was blowing and it "was making his nuts fuzzy." Oh my!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What Your Front Door Says

You are intriguing and charming.

People are naturally drawn to you, even if they don't know you.

You are calm and wise. You are a true leader.

You never feel isolated in a group. Somehow, you always belong.

New Book Title

Jonathan was home from school all day yesterday. He was not easy to have home. I worked HARD to be a good mommy for him. Mid-afternoon he let me know he was trying to irritate me - lol - as if I hadn't figured that out! This morning, he was back at it right away, so I was a good mommy for him again. He was mad and said something about me learning more or reading more. I asked him what he was talking about. "That book by Nancy Thomas called, 'How To Bug Children!" I die laughing here. He says, "see, you're bugging me!" He is just too cute and funny. I love that kid!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.

Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.

You are often the first to try something new.

You are lively, goofy, and a total blast.

You're incredibly happy, and you always are lifting spirits.

You love to be in love. You crave romance, whether you're single or not.

You feel lost when you don't feel passion... you need someone to adore.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Camp Attach

We went to Florida to an attachment camp with our kids. It was fantastic. Our kids spent a ton of time at starbux - dealing with their issues. They are both quite stubborn, so I can imagine how this went. Jonathan reported to daddy that "he didn't like that Nancy Thomas." "Why" "She makes me strong sit." "But you have to strong sit at home too, what is different here." "That Nancy Thomas SMILES at me!!" He is such a cute boy and it is so hard for him to accept. He is just adorable.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Important Lesson In Life

I think - I HOPE - probably NOT though - that I learned an important lesson in life. We shall see if I have this figured out yet. After this many years you would think I would. So, this lesson? Do NOT - EVER - eat 4 - count them - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - yes 4 Krispy Kreme donuts just before you go to bed! And IF you DO? IF you find a comfortable position to sleep in? DO NOT EVER move out of it!!! Because, if you do? You will never be comforable again for the REST of the night!!! BELIEVE me!! I found out!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

We Love This Show

Which 24 Character Are You?

You are Bill Buchanan. You are a law abiding citizen and in your world, rules are
the driving force behind anything and everything. Your leadership charisma
is something talked about by others, and instead of doing things
differently you do different things. You have an uncanny knack of staying
calm in tense situations and your tone is testimony to that. Keep the cool
attitude and you will surely overcome the most perilous situations.
Find Your Character @

Could Never Imagine This

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in New York City. America's largest city will ensure that you will blend into the crowd. You are the brooding type--introspective, creative, and eccentric--and NYC's cutting-edge, individualistic culture and ambience will appeal to you.
Find Your Character @

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I let Becca have too much freedom in her play last night and boy did it come back to bite me. She came back inside from playing VERY argumenative, lying and just down-right snotty. She ended up raging big time. The BIG lie that she expected me to believe? Her daddy really laughed over this one when she told him. Of course he could laugh harder than me - he hadn't been the one who had been dealing with the sweetheart. So, the wonderful thing that she informed me of, "we are supposed to take mud pies to school because we have been learning about . . ." Hello?!?!?!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Raging Girl's Pencil

The girl who has been out of control and mimicing her brother's rages since October has been so funny thin week. Jonathan has a possible diagnosis of bi-polar disease (manic-depressive). Well, this is what Becca has been copying. We knew she was depressed, that wasn't hard to miss. But suddenly the manic part came into play. But, it could be turned on and off like a light switch. It really has been quite humerous to watch.

So, Becca has been earning prizes at school if she can meet certain standards of behavior. Mostly responsibility with her schoolwork and acts of kindness to the other kids. I had a substitute teacher (we have known her fore many years) tell me that she gives the other children the most hateful and awful looks. I'm like - yep - I get them too. If looks could kill - this kid has it down.

So, Becca has been in the prize box numerous times this week and proudly picked herself a new pencil. She has informed me so happily and proudly that she has a "manical pencil." I tried to bite my tongue for the first few days and held my chuckles down to a VERY low roar. But, I confess, I soon lost it and ask her, "WHAT?" She repeated it over and over again. I couldn't take it anymore as she sees me laughing and is asking me what I am laughing about. I explained the words and what the difference is between them. Smart girl that she is, she caught the significance in the word, "manical." She pouted a bit and then got over it. What can I say, the girl did it to herself??? I just enjoyed it - lol.

Becca's Boot

Yesterday morning as I was taking Becca to school, I noticed there was only one snowboot. Now, I thought I had seen two boots in the evening, but with life the way it is at this house, who knows? I live in a house of insanity. I asked her where her boot was. She thought it was at school, so logical Mom says to take the one boot in case the boot is at school. No boot at school, teacher has no clue, Mom takes the lone boot back home and puts it away. Sweet Becca comes home and Mom gives her her chore. Well, Mom suspects something is up with the boot. The chore was to move the dining room chairs to the living room and mop the dining room. Jonathan finds Becca's boot under the dresser in the den. Mom gets an idea. Asks Becca, "why did you put the boot under the dresser?" Every lie Mom gets, she tells Becca to return a chair to the dining room. Gotta give the girl credit. It only took three lies/chairs before she said, "I wanted to make you search for it!" "Sorry dear, I didn't search for it" And I had a little fun with your lying - actually brother did too. lol

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Few Fun Things

You Are a Practical Gift Giver

Your gifts are useful, appropriate, and custom tailored to each person.

In your opinion, the best gifts are gifts that someone will actually use.

Your gifts may not be the most glamourous, but they are always appreciated.

You Are a Blue Flower

A blue flower tends to represent peace, openness, and balance.

At times, you are very delicate like a cornflower.

And at other times, you are wise like an iris.

And more than you wish, you're a little cold, like a blue hydrangea.

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Accepting

No matter what a friend says or does, you try your best to understand it.

And your friends feel like they can tell you anything. You don't judge.

You know that friendship is a journey - with a lot of ups and downs.

If you and a friend grow apart, you get over it quickly... and leave the potential for future friendship open.

You tend to have many friends from many walks of life. Anyone you meet is could become a friend.

In fact, you are especially interested in people who are a little different than you. Seeing life from another perspective is something you cherish.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else with their secrets

You really can't be friends with: Dogmatic, stubborn people

Your friendship quote: "Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes."

What's your theological worldview?
created with
You scored as Fundamentalist

You are a fundamentalist. You take the Bible as the foundation of your faith and read it very literally, and it shapes your worldview. Non-fundamentalist Christians have watered-down the Gospel in your view, and academic study of the Bible stops us from 'taking God at his word.' Science is opposed to faith, as it contradicts basic biblical truths.



Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan


Neo orthodox


Reformed Evangelical






Classical Liberal


Modern Liberal


Roman Catholic


Friday, February 15, 2008

Jonathan Tries to Befriend The Cat

Jonathan has harrassed the cats for YEARS. Well, he now wants the cats to like him. We decided that his chore can be to feed the cats - with supervision. Today, I had him do this. I looked in and he was trying to shove the cat out the window. Why? I have no clue. I told him that feeding the cats was a good chance for him to make friends with them and that shoving the cat out the window wasn't going to help. He stopped - lol. I was supervising Becca with the garbages in the next room and he calls out, "the cat is making a strange noise as it eats, something is wrong with it." I go straight in and kneel down to listen. Jonathan is calmly sitting there petting the cat, while the cat is eating. Quite often we will pet the cats as they eat and they will purr, this is not a purr. It is a low growl, lol. I realize that my son is not trusted yet by the cat and calmly explain how God created the animals to protect their food and that the cat was warning him to stay away from the food. I had to laugh inside though - his meanness came back at him - it is hard for a kid to understand that you can't just turn around and instantly make friends with someone you have been mean to. It takes consistently showing that you are a different person. I think he will get there eventually.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Becca's Rages Foiled By Mom

We formed a new plan to deal with Becca's rages. She is raging to control and manipulate. So, today, I took control of her rages. Instead of waiting for her to rage, I decided when it was time for her to rage. It was really interesting. The first time I did it was in the morning. She absolutely did now expect it. I informed her it was time to rage and talked to her about some things. She got mad and me and yelled, "THIS was NOT when I planned to rage!!!" I asked her when she was planning to rage and she told me when in warmed up in the afternoon. lol I had to laugh. She had plans to go outside in her rage!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Middle of The Night Girl

Well, Becca has been up in the middle of the night a lot lately. Last night it was to run away. She is starting a school today and didn't want to. She woke Jonathan up and was trying to get him to go with her. He didn't want to and came to wake us up. She had her snow pants and coat on over her PJ's. She had us all up for about 2hours. We took her to bed with us. This morning I asked her where she was going to run away to. The tree house! She was going to play in the snow first. She was just going to sleep in the coat and snow pants. I personally say, "brrr and good luck with that!" I'm glad she wasn't planning to go far. This girl is so funny. She really doesn't think things out real well.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Becca Eats 1/6 of a Cake

We got Becca up this morning to discover her hands were covered in red and her PJ bottoms were turned wrong side out. She really is like a preschooler. Thinks we won't notice - lol. She is 9 1/2. She got into the cake in the middle of the night. We just laughed, not worth getting upset about. She wants a reaction.