Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Poor Appetite???

I took Jonathan to the doctor today. He is a petite 7 year old. He asked Jonathan how his appetite is, if he wants to eat much. Jonathan said he didn't feel like eating much. The doctor looked at me. I told him what Jonathan ate for lunch. 2 pieces of toast with white sauce with turkey in it on the toast, about 3/4 cup green beans and about 3/4 cup sweet potatoes. I smiled. I told him that Jonathan told me that he was still hungry and the doctors' eyebrows went up. I told him that the attachment therapist was having us do bottles with the kids so I made a milk mixture for Jonathan and he drank about 4 oz of that and then told me that he was full. He smiled at that. So, the poor boy just doesn't feel like eating much these days. He has been eating like this since he was a 2 year old and is still a skinny little guy. I have had a good chuckle over this all afternoon though. My little cutie pie.

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