Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I Have a New Knee

On December 8th, I got my new knee. I'm already happy that I did. I'm close to being done with physical therapy. I've experienced for the first time in two years being able to walk out of the bedroom without pain. This encourages me.

In the "reality" of my healing, I face that two years of not moving much will involve time to build muscles back up. The other day,  my PT helped me with not "waddling as I walk." (My terminology) I practiced that today. I got a lot of practice this morning when I couldn't find my cane. Stairs are coming along pretty well. That has been one of my most frustrating areas over the last two years. It has felt SO GOOD to go up & down stairs in an adult manner, rather than like a toddler.

I have things that motivate me to keep pushing. One thing is my grandkids. I want to be able to do more with them. I've also REALLY missed hiking. I haven't done well on uneven ground yet and this is something I'll need to learn again. It has just been a real relief to make progress this quickly after so long of no progress.

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