The past year has been incredibly hard and extremely rewarding. In being in my mid-50's and an incredibly eventful year, it has been a time of rethinking many areas of life. A time of thinking about the goals/desires/needs I have in life. A time to go within and evaluate what I value. It's been a year of doing things I didn't want to do and a year of growing in our marriage.
Eventful??? A bad break of my leg. A deer hitting our van and totaling it. Buying a vehicle that we can use to pull a trailer and adding a car payment. We did more driving to do things we enjoy in the last year than we normally do. We are talking about getting a new travel trailer. Our old one is 37 years old and the wood is soft. So, we've been looking. Both of us each had a month of being pretty sick. Thankfully, we did this separately....
Over the last few years we have enjoyed having one child at a time of some friends come to visit us for awhile. This last year it was hard to do this. This is something we want to do more. Eventually, we'd love to do the same with our grandkids.
My husband said after I broke my leg that he wanted to retire in 2-5 years. We are now at 1-? years - lol. We have talked a lot about what we want retirement to look like. We still have many things to discuss.
We are changing how we handle things with our adoptive son. We know he can't come home. He has been in two homes for boys who have difficulties. First one said he couldn't return when he was home on a visit. Second one was wanting him to leave because he could cause legal trouble for them due to his anger.
My husband has helped me incredibly in the household running. My weight has increased dramatically. I'm doing more of what I don't want to do so much of and less of what I desire to do. I've been on the computer way too much and watched SO MUCH TV. I never thought I'd be totally bored with this lifestyle.
Rewarding??? Changes in our marriage as I haven't been able to do. At first my husband had to do just about everything for me. When you need that much help, it is good to find reasons to laugh. Did you know that men & women pull their pants up differently??? Being on pain meds when I was so helpless brought words out of my mouth I never considering uttering. We have had a lot of fun....
We are discovering more how to disagree while being agreeable. We joke that I'm always right. But when I know I'm wrong, my husband say that my "rightness just isn't complete yet." When we were younger, we thought everything was so much more important than we realize now.
Changes??? I really need to get my weight down so that I can be more active. I've also had a lot of trouble with heartburn. I'm making some big changes to how I eat. My heartburn has been much better with these changes. I've also started to drop a few pounds.
We decided to get a puppy. We did this just as I was finishing up with physical therapy. I was doing pretty well but ended up mostly on the couch for a month. That took me backwards.... Sigh.... Then hubby had about a month on the couch too. The puppy has been a lot of fun but a lot of hard work.
What do I want to do??? Well the list seems to just keep getting longer.... Since I no longer have kids in the house to homeschool, I want to homeschool myself. I really enjoyed learning along with the kids. Understanding things I hadn't grasped as a child.
I'm trying to return to blogging. I'm having more trouble figuring out how to start blogs than a few years back. So much has changed. I have too many things that I want to share. One thing is to video "classes" that I can post. I have a lot of ideas here.
We need to declutter and organize many areas in our home and life. We have made a little progress in this over the last year. In becoming "handicapped," my husband had to rearrange numerous rooms so that I could gain independence. Then as I could do more, he needed to rearrange again.
I've been writing music a little bit and learning a lot of things that I didn't catch onto as a child. This has been a source of fun that is good for me. I'm learning technique through "doing." I've known that I learn best by doing and this has been such a blessing to me to "rediscover."
I want to "create" areas in our home for certain purposes. The areas I want to "create" have become more clear to me. Work areas. Grandkid areas. Time with God areas. Music areas. Relaxing areas. Travel areas. Pet areas. Just a few that I can think of off the top of my head.
So, a year of not being able to do much, has made me think. Sometimes I think I have too much time on my hands to contemplate my life. But, God gave me a chance to have a break by breaking my leg. He gave me time to think... After I had read a couple of good books that took me down a line of thinking that I was very ready for.
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